Packaging Supplies in Oregon

In 2013, Compack USA was born right here in Portland, Oregon. From our inception, it's been our goal to provide West Coast vendors, employees and customers with the workspace packaging solutions their teams need. We're constantly innovating new, dynamic options to improve your packaging speeds and enable you to deliver more products to locations around Oregon, the United States and the rest of the world. Wherever your reach goes, we'll be there to assist.

Our Product Offerings

Our Portland facility delivers hundreds of tools to businesses like yours, spanning their packaging needs and more with:

  • Adhesives: With our manual and automatic taping options, you can secure every package leaving your facility so it arrives as expected at its destination.

  • Stretchwrap: Shipping pallets and large loads to retail operations requires the strongest stretchwrap on the market, and we're happy to oblige.

  • Protective packaging: Whether your supplies can survive in simple cardboard boxes or you need air pillows and bubble sheets to protect them in transit, Compack's selections of protective packaging and paper products will contain something to suit your needs.

  • Strapping equipment: Our strapping and sealing equipment can revolutionize your packaging operations, automating your processes and preparing items for shipment faster than ever.

  • Mailing tools: Envelopes, poly mailers and labels are vital tools for any business, and we carry a wide variety of them to ensure you can professionally deliver anything to destinations everywhere.

  • Janitorial supplies: Keeping your facility clean is as crucial as having the tools to send off your materials. We can also provide you with the tools your cleaning team requires to keep your products clean before shipment.

A Sustainable Mission

At our core, Compack is dedicated to innovation that makes an impact. Every part of our process enables us to be your preferred Oregon provider for all packaging supplies. We keep a strong focus on:

  • Sustainability: We employ sustainable measures in all of our productions, using biodegradable substances where possible so you can reduce your ecological footprint even when expanding your operations.

  • Productivity: A streamlined packaging solution means your company can make more products and ship them out faster. With our tools and automated machines, your employees can put more of their focus on other processes, keeping your facility running smoothly.

  • Cost savings: Our tools are easy to use and more durable than most, so you can start utilizing them right away and keep doing so for years, saving money on training costs, maintenance and repairs. Plus, increased productivity results in increased profits!

  • Site safety: Our packaging tools utilize safety measures like retractable blades and lighter roll weights to safeguard your workers from short- and long-term injuries.

Find Peace of Mind With Durable Packaging Solutions

Increase safety and productivity while reducing your environmental impact. Partnering with Oregon's finest packaging manufacturer brings a whole host of benefits that keeps your business improving its sales and reputation simultaneously. Whether Compack keeps your facility supplied with janitorial items or stretchwrap, we're sure you'll find our quality solutions up to par every time.

Connect with a specialist online or at 503-345-9885. Any of our team members can talk you through your options and restock your supplies so you're ready to move forward with your next shipment.