Benefits of the NEOS Automatic Stretch Wrapper

Stretch pallet wrapping is vital in ensuring the safe, efficient handling of palletized loads. The correct application helps minimize product damage, optimize warehouse storage space and enhance supply chain operations. If you are looking to streamline this process and improve your packaging operation, you'll want to invest in a machine that offers consistent wrapping, film savings, safety features and customizable wrapping programs. You can find all of this with remote monitoring and diagnostics capabilities in the NEOS system.

What Is the NEOS System?

The NEOS is a semi-automatic stretch wrapping machine with breakthrough innovation. There is no need for an operator to hook the wrapping film to the pallet — the NEOS takes care of that on its own. It has a dual-motor PS pre-stretching carriage, which means it uses less film than standard stretch wrapping machines. Simply transport the machine to your goods, and the NEOS will take care of the rest.

What Is Stretch Pallet Wrapping?

Understanding why the NEOS is so effective requires some insight into the key aspects of stretch pallet wrapping. Stretch film has significant elongation and stretchability, which allows it to create a tight, uniform containment without compromising the goods' integrity. It also acts as a protective barrier against dust, moisture and other contaminants, helping to maintain the products' quality and condition while they are in storage or shipping. Stretch wrapping creates unitized loads that simplify handling, storage and transportation to support your logistics efficiency. This process is suitable for a range of products, pallet sizes and load configurations, adapting to accommodate different load shapes, weights and heights for applications across industries.

What Are the Benefits of the NEOS Stretch Wrapper?

The NEOS uses no compressed air and features no mechanical options that make it susceptible to wear and tear. This stretch wrapping machine can wrap over 30 pallets an hour, with 1 meter to 3.5 meters for 250% prestretch. There are a number of additional benefits you can expect from adding the NEOS to your warehouse:

  • Consistent wrapping quality:Automated wrapping ensures there is consistent tension and film application. The result is secure, uniform pallet loads with a lower risk of product damage during storage or transit.
  • Increased throughput:The NEOS stretch wrapper can wrap pallets quickly and efficiently, leading to higher throughput than manual wrapping methods.
  • Customizable wrapping parameters:This machine allows you to adjust the wrapping speed, film tension and number of wraps. This added flexibility allows you to optimize wrapping settings based on load requirements, ensuring proper containment with minimal film waste.
  • Cost efficiency:This machine's long-term cost efficiency comes from reduced film consumption, labor savings and better load protection. Over time, you will see a positive return on your investment.
  • Integration capabilities:The machine's design allows for integration with your existing logistics or production systems, streamlining operations with better workflow, traceability and data sharing.
  • Labor savings:Automating your wrapping processes with an NEOS automatic stretch wrapper reduces the need for manual labor in these repetitive tasks. These labor savings extend to lower labor expenses while minimizing the risk of employee injury.
  • Better load stability:The NEOS automatic stretch wrapper's consistent, uniform wrapping enhances your pallets' load stability. Load shifting or toppling during handling and transport is less likely, which is especially beneficial for delicate or fragile cargo.

What Are You Missing by Not Using the NEOS Machine

Manual pallet wrapping comes with a number of challenges that can lead to increased overheads, inefficient operations and potential risks to product integrity. Some of these challenges include:

  • Inconsistent wrapping:Manual wrapping can lead to inconsistent film tension and stretch levels across pallets. These variations result in inadequate load stability, which increases the risk of product damage during storage or transportation.
  • Film waste:Inconsistent wrapping techniques or inexperienced operators can result in excessive film usage and waste. Overwrapping uses unnecessary amounts of film and can also create environmental concerns.
  • Labor-intensive:Manual pallet wrapping relies on significant labor input, which puts a lot of physical pressure on employees where there are high volumes of operations. It can become time-consuming and lead to higher overheads, potentially causing potential ergonomic issues for your employees.
  • Safety hazards:Strain injuries, falls and other accidents can affect workplace safety and productivity. Additionally, inefficient wrapping techniques can create unstable loads, which pose a risk during handling.
  • Inefficiencies in workflow:Manual wrapping can lead to bottlenecks in your packaging processes, which can be especially problematic in peak production periods. The resulting delays disrupt workflow, efficiency and order fulfillment timelines, leading to customer dissatisfaction.
  • Load shift and damage risk:If pallets are improperly wrapped, they are susceptible to load shifts during handling and transportation. It can lead to product damage and increased claims for replacements or refunds due to rejected shipments, which can negatively affect your operation's profitability.
  • Quality control challenges:Ensuring consistent load stability and wrapping quality across multiple operators can be difficult. Variations in wrapping techniques, overlap and film tension can compromise product protection and packaging integrity.

The NEOS automatic stretch wrapper has several new features to enjoy, like a machine casing that is easy to remove for maintenance and inspection, along with a side opening for battery charging. It comes with 99 wrapping programs, including a double cuttle, a wrapping cycle with an altimeter, a softstart cycle, a wrapping cycle with reinforcement, and a settable number of wraps. More improvements include:

  • A new, robust design:The new design features eye-catching lines that give the machine a lot of visual appeal.
  • New 7-inch display:The touchscreen display facilitates programming, predictive maintenance, remote control and diagnosis, Industry 4.0 alignment, and on-cloud services.
  • New LED indicator:With three status colors on the mast, this machine takes the guesswork out of maintenance and processes.
  • ARYA system option:The NEOS is the only machine that you can equip with ARYA to fully automate the wrapping process and offer low film consumption alongside high functional reliability.
Purchase the NEOS and stretch wrapping materials at Compack USA

Purchase the NEOS and Stretch Wrapping Materials at Compack USA

The NEOS automatic stretch wrapper is a comprehensive solution that helps your business optimize its packaging processes, improve load stability and boost operational productivity. When you equip this pallet wrapping machine with the ARYA system, it becomes a ground-breaking self-propelled wrapping robot.

Are you ready to make your processes more efficient? Purchase the NEOS from Compack, or take a look at our inventory of other stretch wrapping and strapping equipment. We also supply businesses with essential shipping materials, like packing tape, packaging labels, void fill, shrink wrap and cardboard boxes.

Contact us today for more information about the NEOS or to partner with us for your packing and palletizing needs.